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Wednesday Night Meals

We need volunteers for our cooking rotation and to bring desserts.

There is a sign-up sheet for desserts in the back of the sanctuary.

Little Free Pantry

We are in need of Easy Open Non-Perishable Meals, Peanut Butter, etc. As an FYI, the cans of vegetables are not being taken by families.

Gardening Day Volunteers

Thursday, September 12 is our next Gardening Day. If gardens are your thing, please join us at 9 a.m. to make our grounds look beautiful.

Communion for Shut-Ins

We are working on a schedule for bringing communion to our shut-ins. If you would like to be part of this team, please see Kasey.

Encouragement Team

The Encouragement ministry team works to provide encouragement to those in our church family. Through cards, call, and special projects they spread lots of smiles. 

If you would be willing to join this team, please see Verne or Ellie Girard.

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