Grafted Families
‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ Matthew 25:40
At PHCC we believe that every child deserves to be raised in a loving, supportive, Christian home. We offer services to support those who have opened their homes to children who need such care, whether they are adoptive, foster or kinship families.
We provide opportunities for grafted families, both parents and children, to get together and share experiences, ideas, and just enjoy each other's company.
Our yearly Christmas party is always fun for everyone! (see images below)

Foster Care
We appreciate all that you do as foster parents! Your hard work and dedication is truly admired here at PHCC. We also understand that you need a break every once in awhile. Every other month we provide a Foster Parents' Night Out where you can drop off your kids in a safe environment to enjoy a night full of FUN!
Call the church or send us an email to find out when our next FPNO is, and enjoy a night out on us!
Send us an email
Kinship Care
Often kinship families are overwhelmed with additional responsibilities, including navigating the legal system, managing difficult family relationships, and keeping up with the ever-changing world of children and teens. Here at PHCC we would like to invite you to join us on a Kinship Caregiver Support Night.
Our goal is to provide monthly support and opportunities to connect with other kinship caregivers. Call the church or send us an email to find out when our next support meeting will be held.
Grafted Family Christmas Party